We have put together our top 10 fundraising tips to help you reach your goals.

Boost your online fundraising by doing these things...

  1. Get snapping - Fundraisers with pictures on their page raise 13% more per photo. A perfect excuse for a training #selfie!
  2. Tell your story - Writing a story on your page helps your supporters understand why you're fundraising. You could raise 65% more if you do.
  3. Get the word out – Word of mouth is one of the most effective kinds of promotion, so tell everyone in your neighbourhood, social club, gym or office what you’re doing and why!
  4. Share the news online - Sharing your page on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and WhatsApp will help you raise more. Let people know about the amazing challenge you're doing.
  5. Add a video - Add a video by adding a YouTube link. Videos really help tell your story and why your cause is so important.
  6. Don't forget about email - There are lots of your friends, colleagues and neighbours who are not on social networks but would love to hear about what you are doing.
  7. Update your page - Let supporters know how you are doing by updating your page often, they will enjoy following your progress.
  8. Self donate - People who make a donation to their own page to get them started raise a whopping 84% more!
  9. Double up - Many companies run a matched giving scheme, matching the donations you receive. If the company you work for doesn’t, why not suggest it?
  10. Say thanks! 20% of donations come in after your event has ended, so make sure you follow up to thank your supporters.

If you have any questions about fundraising then please get in touch. We are here to give you all the help you need! Email: [email protected] or phone: 01823 669604