We want to say a massive thank you to Jo and Nigel for holding an amazing Gala Ball at Ilsington House, Puddletown on Saturday 8th October in aid of DSAA.

Ilsington House Puddletown DorchesterDP Marquees Charity Gala Ball Ilsington HouseDP Marquees Charity Gala Ball Ilsington House

‘Mission Possible’ was a spectacular event attended by 119 people. Those who purchased a ticket were treated to a sparkling reception, fantastic dinner, an auction and live music! In total, the event raised a staggering £36,179.

With the approximate cost of one air ambulance mission equating to £3,000, this means that Mission Possible has helped to fund the cost of 12 life-saving missions!

Emma Jones, Fundraising Manager at Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance said:

Mission Possible was the most beautiful event. I want to thank Jo and Nigel, our hosts, for their incredible generosity in making it a truly magical evening. The auction prizes from individuals and companies were unbelievable, as was the amount raised from the fabulous guests at the event. Hearing the stories of why people wanted to donate to DSAA was humbling and heart-warming. Thank you so much!

Charity Gala Ball Ilsington House Puddletown set up tables and chairsDorset and Somerset Air Ambulance crew at Charity gala ball Ilsington House puddletownMolecular Magic Charity Gala Ball Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance

We would like to give a special mention to everyone who made the evening so successful, particularly: