Thank you for choosing to raise funds for Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance (DSAA). Please be aware of the following terms and conditions that we ask you to adhere to, and agree with, before you commence fundraising.


  • I understand and acknowledge that I am fundraising “in aid of” DSAA. This means that as such I am acting “in aid of” DSAA when raising funds, but that I am acting independently of the Charity and this status gives me no authority to act in the Charity's name.
  • I understand that I am responsible for my fundraising activity, however if my fundraising employs methods which the Charity disapproves of, or which could bring the Charity into disrepute, action can be taken to prevent my activity.
  • I understand that as my fundraising is undertaken independently of the Charity and is 'in aid of', the Charity will not accept any responsibility or liability for my fundraising event or activity.
  • I understand that DSAA will endeavour to provide support if requested to enable me to effectively carry out fundraising activity that is legal, safe, honest and respectful.
  • I understand that I can deduct reasonable expenses to cover the costs of my fundraising activity but that these should be kept to a minimum and that I will seek advice from DSAA if I am in doubt about what constitutes reasonable expenses.
  • I understand that use of Charity fundraising materials does not suggest that I represent DSAA, only that I am fundraising ‘in aid of’ DSAA.
  • I understand that DSAA will not take responsibility for any losses made through my ‘in aid of’ event.
  • I understand that if I am under 18 years of age, my parent/guardian takes responsibility for me under these terms and conditions.
  • I understand that the Charity will not pay fees for me to take part in third party challenge events such as skydives, treks, cycle rides, etc.

There are some activities which children and young people cannot carry out. The age restriction depends on the activity and where it is carried out. These activities include:

  • Street and house-to-house collections; lotteries or raffles; and events involving alcohol.
  • You must not give children under 16 overall responsibility for handling money or responsibility for counting collected money.
  • You must not allow anyone under the age of 16 to carry out house-to-house or street collections.

 Sponsorship Money and Donations

  • I agree to pass over to DSAA all funds raised because of my “in aid of” fundraising within three months of the event date and that the Charity may take steps to recoup all funds raised in its name.
  • If my fundraising takes place over a prolonged period, I agree to transfer funds at regular intervals and those intervals will be agreed with DSAA at the outset.
  • I agree to raise money for DSAA and that my activity is not intended to raise my business profile and/or attract customers by associating myself with the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance brand, and I understand that if this is the case my activities may be considered to be that of a commercial participator - a person who carries on a business and in the course of that business represents that it will make donations to a charity. I agree to notify DSAA if this is the case and accept that my activities may be subjected to different terms and conditions and may require the drawing up and signing of a contract.
  • I agreed to encourage eligible donors to make a Gift Aid Declaration to enable DSAA to recover basic rate tax on donations, where applicable.

Online Fundraising Pages

  • If I set up a fundraising page via the Charity's website and specify a date that my fundraising is taking place, I understand that my fundraising page will automatically expire six months from the date specified.
  • If I set up a fundraising page via the Charity's website and do not specify a date that my fundraising is taking place, I understand that my fundraising page will automatically expire one year from the date that it has been approved.
  • I can confirm that I understand that donations will not be acknowledged until my fundraising page closes, at which time I will receive an acknowledgement commensurate to Charity policy. 
  • I understand that should my event be cancelled I am unable to request a refund of donations, however individual donors who have given funds to the Charity may contact us to request a refund.

Use of Personal Data

  • I understand that DSAA will store my personal contact information and that this storage complies with the Data Protection Act 2018.
  • I understand that if I am collecting personal information from donors there are requirements under the Data Protection Act 2018 relating to how I deal with that information.

Marketing Materials and Use of Logo

  • I understand that the charities logo may be released to me for single use, on a specific occasion, and in connection with my specified activity in support of the Charity. If I need to use the logo for any reason other than in connection with my fundraising activity or on multiple occasions, I will need to seek further permission.
  • I agree to give DSAA sight of anything using the Charity's name or logo prior to printing/publication.
  • I will ensure that all materials include the text ‘Registered charity in England & Wales 1708685’.

Photos and Video

  • I will forward any photos or video of my event so that these can be used by DSAA can share these with its supporters.  Images should be supplied in high resolution and be sent to [email protected]  
  • I confirm that anyone featuring prominently in the photo or video is over 16 years of age and that they have consented to their image being used in this way.


  • I understand that I am responsible for my event and should ensure that it is run in a safe, legal manner. DSAA will not be liable or responsible for my  event or anyone that is involved in it.  If my event involves the public, I will need to obtain public liability insurance. 
  • I understand that it is advisable to carry out a risk assessment of my event/activity and to fully brief everyone involved.
  • If I intend to collect donations in a public place, I will acquire the relevant licence to do this, by contacting my local authority.
  • If I will be holding my event or collecting money on private property I will ensure that I have sought permission from the owner in advance.
  • I understand that if I hold a lottery or raffle at my event that I may be required to register this with my local authority.
  • I will not sell alcohol at my event without having required the appropriate license from my local authority.

Please email [email protected] if you have any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions.

For further information on the Code of Fundraising Practice please visit the: Fundraising Regulator