On 6th July 2024, myself and Sam Hodder (for our bloody sins) will be launching ourselves out of a helicopter from 15,000ft high (with one minute of freefalling), in memory of our dearest friend Abi Munro, and to raise funds and awareness for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.

Abi sadly passed away, aged 23, in December 2023. Earlier last year, she had wanted to take on a skydive herself to raise money for the air ambulance, as they'd been there for her own family in their hour of need. Since Abi didn't get a chance to take on the challenge and raise the funds for the air ambulance herself, Sam and I vowed we would do it for her, and in her memory. So, here we are!

As well as doing this for Abi, the air ambulance is a charity that we hold close to our own hearts, as I'm sure most of us do, and so we couldn't think of a better cause.

Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance is a registered charity, established to provide relief from sickness and injury for the people of Dorset and Somerset, by the provision of an air ambulance, with an air and road-delivered critical care capability.

They receive no direct funding from the Government and rely on the generosity of the public for support. Their operational costs are over £5 million a year and the approximate cost per mission is £3,500.

So we're asking our friends, family, colleagues, all who knew and loved Abi, and all who also hold this charity close to their own hearts, to dig as deep as you can to support our fundraising efforts. From the loose change in your pockets, to £1, £5, £10 or more, every single penny counts and would really mean the world to us.

Wish us luck! We're definitely going to need it (especially Sam..... he's a wimp ;) ) Daniella Garratt