What is the 100 Miles in October Challenge?

100 Miles in October is a fundraising challenge for Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. Join other DSAA supporters in taking on 100 miles throughout October. You can complete your miles however you like - run, walk, hop, skip or any way you want to! The important thing is getting out and clocking up miles to raise awareness and funds for Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.

How do I complete my 100 Miles?

It’s entirely up to you! You can run, walk, cycle, swim, row, complete it in your wheelchair or roller skate your way to your target. The choice is yours. The most important thing is to post updates and distances covered to your fundraising page and share your progress within the Facebook group!

Can I do more/less than 100 miles?

Absolutely. This challenge is for everyone. Every mile you complete will make a difference. We want the 100 mile target to be more of a guide for you to work with – it will be the perfect distance for many but might not suit some and that’s ok! Please adjust your target to suit your ability.

Do I have to do the 100 miles all at once?

No! That would be quite a challenge. You have the whole month of October to complete your 100 miles. It is up to you how fast you complete the distance and how often you rack up your miles. The best thing to do is plan around your lifestyle and what best suits you. Whether that’s 3.3 miles a day or longer distances at the weekend.

How far is 100 miles?

100 miles is roughly 3.3 miles a day or 25 miles a week.

The average person walks 2-3 miles a day, the miles can rack up quickly without you noticing – a few lifestyle changes and walking whenever possible will get your total flying up.

How can people take part as wheelchair users?

We welcome everyone to take part in the challenge. For wheelchair users you can challenge yourself to getting out and completing a set distance each day. The challenge is flexible and we advise you to set a challenge that’s suitable for you as an individual.

Is it free to sign up?

Yes! It is completely free to sign up for our 100 Miles in October Challenge. Participants are required to fundraise or donate to DSAA through their Facebook Fundraiser or any other platform they are choosing to fundraise through e.g. JustGiving.

Can I start earlier/later than the 1st October?

We encourage everyone to complete this challenge throughout the month of October but as this is a personal challenge, you can start/finish your challenge at a time that is convenient for you. So, if you would like to get a head start, go for it! Complete your miles whenever you like to best suit your lifestyle.

How can I track my miles?

We’ve created a paper mile tracker which you can download here to tick off your miles as you go. We will also send this out to you with your t-shirt. Make sure you take a picture and post your progress in the Facebook group!

Can I track my miles digitally?

Of course – we know many of you will have smart watches or FitBits that can be used to track activity and lots of phones have inbuilt activity tracking systems to help you monitor your progress. There are apps which can be downloaded such as Strava to track activity on your phone using GPS. Remember to share screenshots of your activities in the Facebook group as you go!

We have a Strava Club for everyone taking part - so be sure to join it to keep up to date!

Join our Strava Club

Do I need to provide evidence that I have completed the challenge?

No, you don’t need to provide evidence that you’ve completed the challenge to us. Updating the Facebook group with photos of any activities you complete during the month is important. Supporters who regularly post their progress raise on average 40% more. You can use the activity tracker to help keep track of completed miles.

What do I do if the weather is too bad outside?

It’s not unusual for the weather to be unpredictable. It’s important that you have the right equipment and top tips if you’re to clock up miles during adverse weather. Alternatively, it’s more than okay for you to complete the miles inside on a treadmill, rowing machine at home or the gym, if that’s an option for you.

When taking on adverse weather, remember to check your route and know your trail. 

There’s always a chance you’ll be caught off guard in bad weather whilst out and about, see below some useful equipment to consider:

  • Waterproof clothing
  • Correct footwear for your activity
  • Warm clothing and layers (thermals, gloves, hats, fleece, long trousers)
  • Water and food
  • Mobile phone

How do I fundraise?

The best way of fundraising for the 100 Miles in October challenge is to set up a fundraising page via Facebook. We’ve made this process simple to do – please click here to create your page, it will only take 30 seconds! It's then easy to share the page with your friends to gather sponsorship for your challenge.

Why should I take part?

The money you raise will enable us to be there for patients when they need us the most.

Last year, our crew were tasked to 2,424 incidents; with each mission costing approximately £3,500. Operational for 19 hours a day, 365 days a year, they work tirelessly to save lives.

Your support will enable us to be there be there for patients today, tomorrow and in the future.

Learn more about the charity and our life-saving work.

Do I have to fundraise to take part? If so, how much do I have to raise?

No, you don’t need to fundraise to be a part of the challenge but we would love you to and highly encourage that you do. Why? It will give you motivation to complete the challenge and it is good way to engage your friends and family with the important work of Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.

There’s no minimum fundraising requirements, each fundraising page has a default target of £150 but you’re welcome to edit this to a more suitable target.

Can I still take part if I don’t have Facebook?

Yes, of course! We understand that not everyone is on Facebook and would hate for you to miss out. Please contact: [email protected] and we will organise your free t-shirt and get you set up with a JustGiving fundraising page.

How and when are the donations sent from Facebook to your charity?

Facebook’s payment processing cycle is every two weeks, so we don’t wait long to receive your funds. The best thing about Facebook is there are no processing fees so we receive 100% of the funds you raise!

Can someone donate if they don’t have a Facebook account?

Yes! Anyone can donate via Facebook, regardless if they have an account or not. Share your fundraising page’s direct link and they can enter their details. Alternatively, you can use our sponsor form for offline donations – it would be easier to pay these directly to your page once you’ve received them. Contact: [email protected] if you need any help in doing so.

I’ve shared my fundraising page but no one has donated – is there anything I can do?

The easiest way to prompt your family and friends to support your challenge is to directly invite them to your fundraising page. Click on the invite button and select who you think is likely to donate. We are aware that this is a difficult time to be asking for sponsorship so please just ask your network to donate if they are able to – we really do appreciate any support at this challenging time.

I have set up a Facebook fundraiser but now I can’t find it?

To find your Facebook fundraising page, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Newsfeed
  2. Look on the left side of your screen for the ‘Explore’ section
  3. Under the Explore section, click the ‘Fundraiser’ tab
  4. Your fundraising page should appear here

Can I amend my Facebook fundraiser?

To amend your fundraising page, please follow these steps:

If you are using a phone/tablet:

  1. Open your fundraiser
  2. Press the pencil button
  3. Press ‘edit fundraiser’

If you are using a laptop/desktop:

  1. Open your fundraiser
  2. Press the three dots
  3. Press edit fundraiser

How do I order my free t-shirt?

Simply complete this form and we send your t-shirt out to you! Please note you will also get a Facebook fundraising page once you’ve submitted your t-shirt request.

Can I receive a t-shirt without creating a fundraising page?

Unfortunately, this isn't possible as our 100 Miles in October challenge is a fundraising event. This is why we have chosen to only send out a free t-shirt and tracker to people who are interested in raising money for DSAA. It also reduces our costs and carbon footprint.

I don’t want a t-shirt, what should I do?

You can sign-up to this challenge without having to receive a t-shirt! When you sign up, we’ll ask you for your t-shirt size. Instead of selecting a size, just select ‘I don’t require a t-shirt’ from the drop-down menu. You can then continue signing up to the challenge and we won’t send you a t-shirt.

When will my t-shirt arrive?

You will receive your free t-shirt once you have completed the registration form and set up your fundraising page. We will be posting t-shirts out once per week, so expect to receive yours in 10-14 business days!

My t-shirt hasn’t arrived yet, what should I do?

If it has been more than 14 days since you registered for your t-shirt and you’ve still not received it, please contact: [email protected] and we will chase this up for you.

Will I get a medal?

Unfortunately, medals come at a huge cost to the charity so we will not be sending these out. However, we will send out downloadable digital medals to shout about your achievement on your social media.

Please take note of the following before signing up to the challenge:

  • If you have any underlying health conditions that may affect your ability to participate, we recommend you seek appropriate medical advice before proceeding.
  • Never put yourself at unnecessary risk completing any activity.
  • Always wear appropriate clothing and footwear.
  • Always use appropriate equipment safely and be considerate of others when completing your challenge.
  • The legal bit: You enter the challenge entirely at your own risk and so far as permitted by law, Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance shall not be liable for any injury, damage or loss to you or your property that might occur as a result of your participation.

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