We understand that this is such a difficult time for you, so we have made setting up a funeral collection as easy as possible.

If friends or family wish to donate in memory of a loved one, you can ask for donations to go to Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance in lieu of sending flowers and also collect donations on the day of the funeral.

We can provide you with donation envelopes, as well as a collection pot and Gift Aid forms that can be handed out or left on seats at the service. Most funeral directors will be happy to assist with this and we can send information directly to them. Simply ask them to get in touch with us by calling: 01823 669604 or emailing: [email protected].

Friends and family can make a donation here on our website which is another useful way if people would prefer not to worry about this on the day.

Make sure you ask your funeral director to ensure all donations are sent to Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.

You can set up a Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance Tribute Fund to keep the memory of your loved one flying. This gives people an online page where they can share memories and photos whilst supporting our life-saving work.